Building a University Community

blog1_getting the most out of an academic writing service Building community in your university program is part of being a successful student. Drawing on the opinions of classmates and creating intentional time to spend outside the classroom can be beneficial in helping you to grapple with complex ideas presented in the university context. When I was completing my professional undergraduate degree I had a small cohort of four fellow students with whom I would spend time at least twice a week. Bouncing ideas around with my group of colleagues was essential to my learning process. Not only did it benefit my learning. but also as a group we managed to create new ideas and engage the rest of the class in discussions we had spoken about in our downtime.

Community can be a very powerful support tool throughout university. Having a group of people you trust through the completion of your schooling can be effective in challenging the sense of isolation that students often feel when they have their heads down in the books. Communication with trusted colleagues can validate your experience and meeting students with perspectives and life skills different than your own can allow you to grow as a student.

Building community is an important part of being a student but it can also be time-consuming. Students often experience challenges when it comes to balancing schoolwork with social life. How is it possible to be social while also completing an intensive program that requires over 40 hours a week of schoolwork? Homework Help USA can assist you with your desire to create community while maintaining a high level of quality in your schoolwork. Extend your community to the online world by making use of Homework Help USA’s online 1-on-1 Skype tutoring sessions and custom essay writing support. Having supports while navigating a demanding university career can lead to success. Open yourself up to the idea of creating community both on-campus and online.

Axner, M. (n.d.). Section 7. Building and Sustaining Relationships. Retrieved August 31,
