5 Ways to Make New Friends on Campus

Friends laughing over coffee The friends you make in university or college are most likely going to be the friends that stick with you throughout your life. But when you find yourself in a new town facing a new student life, it’s scary to think that you have to go out and meet people. But friends are important. They can help with homework, provide moral support, and help you let loose when times get stressful.

Remember, everyone else is in the same boat as you. People are coming from all over the country to a new place, and they’re probably scared, too. So follow these 5 tips and you’ll have an amazing time getting to know new people while experiencing a thriving social life.

1. Participate in as Many Frosh Week Events As You Can

Frosh week, or orientation week, is the perfect opportunity to make new friends. No one knows each other yet, so no one has formed a core social group and everyone is open to meeting others. Attend as many events as you can, and you’ll meet so many new people who are all in the same boat as you.

2. Join a Study or Tutor Group

Got a strong subject you can help with? There are so many people who need assignment help, and you can likely provide them with the support they need and find a new friend while you’re at it. Check out your school’s study groups and tutor programs and join wherever you think you can help.

3. Make Friends Before You Get There

Most universities nowadays have orientations programs you can join before you get to school, so you can meet other people and get a look around to help you feel more comfortable once you get there. Additionally, once you find out your accommodations, there are usually Facebook groups or social media channels where you can connect with your future roommates, floormates, or classmates. Having those connections before you get to campus can help you feel more confident and have someone there for support.

4. Join Clubs, Organizations, and Other Groups

Check out the clubs your school offers and find a few that match your interests. This is a guaranteed way to meet other people who have similar tastes as you, so you’ll be able to have lots to talk about. It’s also a great way to get out and do something to relieve stress between classes or homework.

5. Take Electives Outside of Your Faculty

Every major has their required courses, but some majors have room for electives of your choice. That’s when you should seize the opportunity to learn new things and meet completely different people. Take a couple of classes outside of your faculty and you’ll find tons of people you’ve never met before. Some of them can even help with homework if you find that the new discipline gets a little hard.

If Your Social Life Gets Stressful, Contact Homework Help USA

The more friends you make, the more social obligations you take on! This can mean less time for you to get your work done. Homework Help USA is a professional essay writing service that provides custom essays, in a wide variety of disciplines and subjects, for those who need some extra help. We’d be happy to assist you and your friends in getting your assignments done so you can continue to enjoy each other’s company.

Order now to get your assignments, reports, resumes, or papers completed to the highest standards. Make more time for your social life with Homework Help USA.

Bridgestock, Laura. “How to Make Friends at University, Before You Even Get There.” TopUniversities.com. 31 July 2012. Accessed 8 Feb. 2017. https://www.topuniversities.com/blog/how-make-friends-university-you-even-get-there.

University of Alberta. “Making Friends at University.” University of Alberta. 10 Feb. 2014. Accessed 10 Feb. 2017. http://www.uofainsideout.ca/news/making-friends/.
