Fair Use Policy

Fair Use Policy
Date of Last Revision: February 19, 2022

The purpose of Homework Help USA’s custom writing services is to help you with your research, as well as develop your knowledge in the given subject. In developing your skills, it will help you to create your own, 100% original work. This means that Homework Help USA’s services are not to be submitted as your own work, because this is a form of plagiarism.

Homework Help USA prides itself on providing plagiarism free work, as well as values your academic journey. This means it is a disservice for you to pass off Homework Help USA model answers as your own, because you are missing out on your learning journey.

Homework Help USA holds the copyright of the work that is provided to you, which means that it should not be submitted as your own. Rather, it is important that you take the custom model answer as a starting point for your own work. From this work, you take notes and ideas, undertake further research, and then create your own academic work.

Homework Help USA’s fair use policy requires that any work that is submitted by you is 100% original and has been formulated using your own ideas and perspective. It is not sufficient to just make small changes to Homework Help USA’s model answers or reword them, because this is plagiarism. The work you must submit to your university/school has to be 100% your own.

Thus, Homework USA USA provides you with custom research to help you on your learning journey, but cannot be passed off as your own work. The final submission to your educational organization should be in compliance with this Fair Use policy, and as you find you will have a greater sense of achievement by producing your own work with our help.

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